Since many years SNL has based its activity on quality. We commit ourself with a persevering rigour, essential for our success in the today’s economic fight.

Certification AFNOR standard ISO 9001-2015


Design, Manufacture and Sale of STANDARD SAND (CEN EN 196-1, ASTM C778), OTHER SAND and MATERIAL for Cement, Concrete, Road and other laboratories, on the site of Leucate.

Modified : 08/05/2017

Direct access to the AFAQ electronic certificat: Certificat de la société nouvelle du littoral n°1996/6027.6

Certification AFNOR standard ISO 14001-2015


Design, Manufacture and Sale of STANDARD SAND (CEN EN 196-1, ASTM C778), OTHER SAND and MATERIAL for Cement, Concrete, Road and other laboratories, on the site of Leucate.

Modified : 08/05/2017

direct access to the AFAQ electronic certificat: Certificat de la société nouvelle du littoral n°ENV/2002/18334.6

Certification of compliance with the European standard “EN 196.1 Standard CEN” AFAQ / AFNOR


Certification AFAQ / AFNOR control Ville de Paris.


Modified : 03/2018