Sands used by SNL are natural, siliceous for all the fractions, from the finest to the coarsest (6.3 mm). They are clean; their grains are generally of rounded shape.
They are dried and screened so as to be classified in various fractions.
So as to meet specific customer demand, our factory performs sand recomposition and homogenisation in a mixer which will match grading requirements (value and variability) determined by the client.
- SNL sands with grading according to the grain sizes distribution of various international or local standards of usage.
- Reconstitute the sand of the former riverbed (study of river flows and floods and dam released study).
- Fluorescent sands for hydraulic studies in pool or river.
- Create neutral substrata for environmental studies mesocosm.
- Sands with sizes and colors suitable for study by simulation of avalanches.
- Reconstitute sand with porosity up chosen.
- Selected size of Sand and statistically validated to ensure laboratory sieve.
- Pickling quartz sands to clean the laboratory mills.
- Sands for various water filtration following 12901
- Sand according to EN 168 (wear glasses)
- Sand 0.04-0.4 mm wear water meter test
- Sand beach – less than 1 mm base of the NF P 15 403 (test dive equipment)
- Sand according to DIN 949
- Any sands with your own specifications (studies mecanic fluids, formulation, ….).
Controls, grading, mass, humidity or anything else if needed, are carried out in the SNL lab.
The sand packaging can be done in small bags, calibrated in mass (1.4 kg maximum) or in bulk in paper bag from 1 kg to 25 kg; other packaging can be done on demand.
Manufactured products are then put on pallet to be delivered all over the world.