SNL 20-30 SAND
Cement testing
20-30 sand is made of local (French source) natural silica sand (silica content higher than 98 %), having a water content lower than 0.1 %. The constituent grains of this natural sand are uncrushed and of rounded form. The sand is used for the testing of hydraulic cement.
The sand is packaged in 25 kg bag . Delivery made in unit bag and on pallet of 2 to 40 bags with a plastic cover and protected by reinforced boxes.
The grading is according to ASTM®* C 778-3 (2021). The typical grading is as follows:
Production controls are carried out by SNL laboratory, and we produce for each delivery a data control certificate.
*ASTM® is a registered trademark owned by the American Society for Testing and Materials who has no link with SNL.