The European’s reference material has been performed under the coordination of ATILH technical measurements for the establissement for this certification

Analyses leading to the certification of this Cement Reference Materials were performed by the manager of ATLIH office Analytical Chemistry Division Analytical determinations were also performed by a round robin test witheuropean’s laboratories certified ( some with COFRAC certification)

Statistical consultation for this reference material  was provided by A BONNET of the ATILH Statistical Engineering Division.

Support aspects involved in the issuance of this reference material  were coordinated through the S.N.L Measurement Services

In addition, we propose a standard cement SNRési20 and SNResi22 to test and validate the correct methodology of the CEN E N 196-1 standard application.

We can propose Cement  with Blaine in the same range of  NIST or CCRL or cement-NCBM by e-mail contact@s-n-l.fr

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